Millennials and Generation Z have become more cautious and aware of the dangers of waste, pollution, climate change and environmental racism. However, applying small changes to our lives can be difficult as many are balancing education, work, family, mental & physical health, and much more. Dwindle understands that our lives are demanding. As a solution, this platform allows users to share eco-friendly content, track their personalized habits, and achieve their goals.
Dwindle Interface
Welcome to Dwindle
Deleting an Eco Habit
Application Development Process
Color Palette
Logo Design
Dwindle developed the customized personas of Ali Kazal & Marina Costa to create an impactful & easy-to-use interface based on user needs.
Persona A Development
Persona B Development
Dwindle conducted an online interview within the age demographic of 18-25. I asked participants to explain “In what two ways do they lower their carbon footprint or care for the environment?” There were a total of 60 participants and a total of 120 answers.
Below shows the data categorization of these interviews.
Food and Eating Related
Buying local food
Cutting down meat consumption
Growing my own food
Using Tupperware
Using reusable bags and jars while grocery shopping
Using reusable sandwich bags (uses reusable wax wrap)
Reusable cutlery
Using reusable bags and jars while grocery shopping
Repurposing containers
Buying second-hand clothes
Reusable cutlery
Using a reusable water bottle
Using Tupperwares
Using reusable bags and jars while grocery shopping
Recycling cardboard, cans, plastics, and papers
Conserving electricity in the home
Giving thought to each item I own
Reducing water usage
Making sure lights are off
Cutting down meat consumption
Making sure lights are off
Unplugging appliances when not in use
Driving less
Not expediting shipping while buying online
Driving less
Riding bike or taking public transport
Driving a Prius during commute
Involving Products
Using cosmetic products that don’t have chemicals
Buying from companies with ethically sourced materials
Avoiding products wrapped in plastic
Using reusable pads for periods
Using bamboo paper towels
Not expediting shipping while buying online
Usability Testing
Dwindle Usability Report
User Interface for Color Blind Individuals with Protanopia