A Child’s Guide to Conquering Eating Anxiety
A Child’s Guide to Conquering Eating Anxiety, is designed to help young children navigate their eating anxiety or extreme picky eating. This book is an intervention device for occupational therapists or parents to help children feel more comfortable around food. Through this colorfully illustrated and interactive curriculum, children can better tolerate, interact, and eat food. Emilie Johal, author & illustrator, acknowledges the power of self-expression and its ability to open up healthy dialogues among children and their families.
Conducted Research
“Feeding disorders [in my experience] are either biologically based, such as in the case of Autism Spectrum Disorders, caused by a parent’s lack of understanding of how to manage their child’s anxiety around feeding or food, and could also include trauma around food.”
Stefanie Clifton
Data Categorization
Color Palette
Cover Design
Emotions & Food Activity
Textures & Food Activity
Meal Time Sticker Activity
Food Groups Activity